Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gardner Elementary School is Michael Jackson Auditorium again !

Gardner Street Elementary school:
7450 Hawthorn Ave (at Gardner Street),
Hollywood, CA. / (323) 876-4710

Michael Jackson, the "King of Pop," was a 6th grade student here back when he was a normal 11-year-old; he attended class here in the daytime and performed as an emerging musical superstar at night, with his family group "The Jackson Five." His early hit songs back then included "ABC," "The Love You Save" and "I'll Be There."

In 1989, Gardner Street Elementary named the school auditorium after "the gloved one." Gleaming silver letters across the front of the building now read: "The Michael Jackson Auditorium" ; Michael himself showed up for the unveiling.

Unfortunately, one other former student from Garner recently made the headlines: Mikhail Markhasev, the man convicted of shooting to death Ennis Cosby. The son on comedian Bill Cosby was northbound on the San Diego (405) Freeway, when he pulled off the freeway onto the Mulholland offramp to fix a flat tire. There, he encountered Markhasev, who shot him during a failed robbery attempt.