They continue with their slander and destruction of his name, his memory, his legacy, his family and children.
On Thursday, April 29th, not coincidentally the same night that Aphrodite Jones’ special on the 2005 Michael Jackson trial aired on Investigation Discovery (ID), revealing the media’s bias and slander against Michael, ExtraTV aired the first part of a nasty smear in which a paid backstabber claims Michael was gay.
The lame$tream medialoids are already slamming Aphrodite’s show. They hate it when the truth is shown about their decades of lies-for-profit about Michael. They shriek from truth like tossing holy water on flock of vampires because it threatens to interrupt their profit-stream, which has been significantly driven for the past 3 decades by telling lies about and slandering Michael Jackson with twisted, sensationalist bullshit. It gets a lot of viewers, readers, website clicks – and a lot of profit.
Nevermind that it destroyed an innocent man’s life and ultimately, cost him his life. That is irrelevant to the lame$tream media and medialoids. Tabloids, “news” media, all of them are guilty in his death. All of them have Michael Jackson’s blood on their hands.
As for how the 2005 trial and the media circus surrounding it and subsequent to it is connected to Michael’s death, Charles explains the premise of the Aphrodite Jones’ segment, which is quite relevant and explains the media outlets’ efforts to distract from this matter and therefore their own culpability:
Jones asserts that the media ignored the not guilty verdicts in Jackson’s trial and continued to portray him as a predator because it made ‘great headlines on the covers of rag papers’. Mesereau adds that the media was ‘humiliated’ by the verdicts because reporters had been predicting a conviction and ‘almost salivating about him being hauled off to jail’. Jones concludes that the trial traumatised Jackson to such an extent that he was unable to sleep, and this is why he died of a propofol overdose last summer.
Interestingly, ExtraTV are also portraying this bogus claim by this tawdry money-grubbing Jason Pfeiffer as a “love story“.
The media seem awfully obsessed with something they know nothing about: L.O.V.E.
What they do know a lot about though, is money. And they’ll call anything “love” that can be made part of a sensationalist story to get ratings, sell gossip rags, and make money.
Let me make readers aware of something:
Media outlets will often pay big money to anyone to dish dirt on a celebrity, true or not. Especially Michael Jackson. They always have. And when self-serving, greedy ‘friends‘ (ie: backstabbers) and doctors with no morals or ethics such as Arnold Klein are offered sums such as $75,000 USD to lie about a celebrity, they’re more than happy to do it.
What do the medialoids/tv shows get from it? Ratings. And with those, lots of money.
This brand of GREED is what killed Michael Jackson. And now that he’s dead, they still can’t stop. They’re busy pecking away at his bones. At his memory. At his legacy. And – at his children who will see all these lies being spread about their father for the profit of the corporations that own the media. Only 5-7 very large corporate conglomerates own all the media in the United States: newspapers, magazines, television stations, radio stations, all of it. Their only concern is profit. And they’ll destroy anyone or anything to get it.
Mr. J. Pfeiffer, Arnold Klein’s assistant at his clinic, makes certain claims about his relationship with Michael. Claims that are patently untrue. Klein backs them up. Now, this doctor was Michael’s dermatologist for many years. Since Michael died, Klein has been on every tabloid outlet who will pay him money, slandering Michael Jackson. I won’t repeat his ludicrous lies. I simply won’t. I won’t provide links to any sites or programmes. I will not give them that attention or traffic.
I know people who were with Michael every day during the last days and months of his life. Pfeiffer’s job was to ensure Michael got into Klein’s office when he had appointments. You know, the nurse or assistant that calls you into the room when you go to the doctor? That’s apparently what Pfeiffer did. Pfeiffer was never seen at or in Michael’s home. In fact, they apparently barely spoke to one another. Pfieffer claims Michael told him “I love you“. Well, guess what? Michael said that to a lot of people. Everyone, in fact. Male and female. Young and old and in-between. That’s Michael. That’s how he was. That doesn’t make it a sexual relationship, as much as Mr. Pfeiffer apparently wishes it did. And of course ExtraTV gave Pfeiffer a platform upon which to verbally masturbate in public, his fantasies about Michael Jackson.
To say it’s disgusting is a monumental understatement. But as we know, the media will stoop to below-sewage levels to make their ratings and profits. And so they did. Again.
And that’s what killed Michael Jackson. GREED. A $150,000/month doctor who was more concerned with that money than proper and medically responsible care of his patient, for instance. Same brand of greed. It’s all the same. Who knows what else Conrad Murray was offered or by whom to kill Michael. One thing is certain: he did not have the best care of his patient at heart. What he had was his eye on was that money, and possibly more.
The ‘gay’ rumours have been around for decades. Now that Michael is no longer here to defend himself, the medialoids/tabloids along with some backstabbing opportunists with their own agendas decided to reconstitute them for their own financial benefit. Michael’s own bodyguards and myriad others around him attest to the fact that he very much was not ‘gay’ and preferred women. They saw him on a day-to-day basis and were aware of some of his activities. In some cases, they had to be because it was part of their job. And, over the years, I found the fact that Michael liked women rather obvious myself as did many others. And how is it that Michael allegedly had a ‘gay lover’ for two months yet there were no photos nor were they ever seen together? With all the media and paps that surrounded Michael 24 x 7 this somehow flew under the radar? Oh. Please. I think not.
When Michael was alive, he addressed this rumor himself numerous times. For those who know and love Michael this is painful to watch, as he refutes rediculous tabloid claims made about him. I will quote:
“I’m not gay” -Michael Jackson
1. In that interview with former $ony executives Cory Rooney and Chris Yandek back in July 2009, there is reference to another interview where Michael was asked that question. Here’s the quote and a link to the clip on YouTube:
CR: (Cory Rooney) “He was smart enough to video camera it and it clearly showed that the guy just twisted everything and made it, he turned everything into a false or a lie. They ask Michael a question. Are you gay? And Michael said, ‘I don’t want to answer that question.’ Now that was the one that he said. So it quickly edited to Bashir going, ‘Obviously he didn’t want to answer for obvious reasons.’
So then when Michael showed his version, he said, ‘Are you gay?’ Michael said, ‘I don’t want to answer that question.’ Then he said, ‘But if you turn your camera off, I will answer your question.’ Then the guy said ok, turn the camera off. Then Michael said, ‘No. Absolutely not. I am not gay, but I have millions of gay fans and if they believe I’m gay, then let them believe I’m gay.’ He said, ‘I don’t care. I don’t want to offend anybody.’ You know?”
-Cory Rooney. former $ony Executive
2. In a Time Magazine article called “Icons, Intimate Portraits” by Denise Worrell, Seth Riggs, Michael’s vocal teacher, comments on a conversation he had with Michael.
Everyone thinks Michael is gay, and I said to him one day. ‘You know Michael, a lot of people think you’re gay.’ Michael started to laugh. He said, “I know. The other day a big, tall, blond, nice-looking fellow came up to me and said, “Gee, Michael, I think you’re wonderful. I sure would like to go to bed with you.” I looked at him and said, “When’s the last time you read the Bible? You know you really should read it because there is some real information in there about homosexuality.” The guy says, “I guess if I’d been a girl, it would have been different. And I said, “No, there are some very direct words on that in the Bible too.”
-Seth Riggs, Michael’s former voice coach.
video: CLICK
and: CLICK
As I stated previously, Michael had some very strict morals he lived by and the above quote where he references the Bible is evidence of that. Michael Jackson, because of his religious beliefs, was neither a womanizer, nor was he gay or bisexual. That does not mean, as you can see by the first quote I referenced above, that he was ‘against’ gay people. That simply meant that he would never live that way himself. Michael loved everyone. Unfortunately, many people took Michael’s love as sexual when it often was not, and went off the deep end with their own fantasies about it, such as Mr. Jason Pfeiffer.
Michael very much lived according to his moral/religious beliefs as we all know: being childlike, being kind and loving to everyone, being generous and charitable, etc. People can make rediculous claims about the man now that he isn’t here to speak for himself. But Michael’s own words, the memories of those who knew him best and worked with him over the years and most of all his own actions and ways of living according to his own strict moral standards during his life, — show us more than any paid profit- and fame-seeking buffoon who and what Michael Jackson was, and who and what he most certainly was not.